Underground Cable Excavation Services - Excavation Services in Oregon - Excavation Services in Washington - Excavation Services in Idaho


Van Dorn Enterprises Inc.

Licensed, Bonded & Insured
Excavation Services Contractor
Oregon, Washington & Idaho
OREGON #41145
IDAHO # RCE29957

(503) 769-4504

 Fax (503) 769-3991

 7-5 p.m. Mon–Thurs

1775 W Washington Street
PO Box 930 
 Stayton, OR 97383 

Email: vdei@aol.com 

Our crews are highly skilled with dirt moving equipment. They can change a slope, level a spot, or build a road. They can help you manage runoff by changing the slope of your drive, cleaning up a ditch or adding culverts to move the water away. We can haul gravel, rock, or dirt.

(503) 769-4504


A lot of our work involves trenching and back filling with gravel or slurry. That means we have to remove the native soils. If we are working in an area near you we could need a place to dump the spoils.

Frequently Asked Questions . . .
What is it we do? We usually smile and say 'we dig holes and fill'em back in!

Can you place a new waterline under my paved parking lot without tearing out the asphalt?

Yes! A Horizontal Directional Drill can bore approximately 500 feet with accuracy to cross various types of terrain. We can bore under paved lots, roadways, and streams. We also may need to use this method of excavation to avoid damaging root systems of large trees or other plantings.

How much room do you need to use a Directional Drill?

Directional Drills come in all sizes so it depends on the distance of the bore, and the type of soil we have to bore through. For really tight spaces like boring under a sidewalk, we may choose to use a pneumatic missile.

What is the cheapest way to install pipe over a long distance?

If you have a long distance to cover we will often recommend using a Cable Plow. We have several sizes for all applications. Our Delta Shaker Plow is capable of plowing through some very rocky and rough terrain with depths exceeding 48 inches. We also have maxi-sneakers that can put a pipe through your lawn at a depth of 18 inches with very little disruption to the lawn.

Can you bore or cut through solid rock?

Yes. There are several methods for handling your issues with boring through rock. We have a Case 760 Rock Saw for applications with some surfaces, and we use a 30,000 lb excavator with a chipping hammer to handle short stretches with tighter access.

How much will a road bore cost?

Every job is different so we need to schedule an appointment with one of our estimators to look at the jobsite and determine things like soil and surface conditions, the areas of maneuverability for our equipment and other important details to determine the safest, and most cost effective way to get your excavation job done.

My gravel drive is rough and pot-holed. Can you help me with that?

A lot of times people will try to fix a roadway by just adding gravel. Sometimes fixing the ditches or changing the slope or adding a retaining wall in the surrounding area will solve recurring drainage issues. You may still need the gravel, but let us help you fix the cause of the problem first.

We have a stream through our pasture and a small stock pond that fluctuates seasonally. Can you make it larger so we could stock it with fish?

We have done a lot of work with agricultural ponds. We can make it deeper and larger so that it becomes a place you can enjoy year round. We can also help seal the bottom and make other changes so that fluctuation is less of an issue.


Have more questions about excavation services in Oregon, Washington or Idaho?
Van Dorn Enterprises Inc. will help you find the answers for
your excavation needs and we look forward to your call.

(503) 769-4504


Van Dorn Enterprises, Inc. is licensed, bonded and insured - All Rights Reserved 2012 to Present

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